How old do mollusks need to be to create pearls?

Have you read up on the life cycle of mollusks? If not, click here are read the fascinating story. This reproductive cycle must be maintained within the cultured pearl industry so pearl farmers have mollusks to nucleate to create pearls. So, how old do mollusks need to be to create pearls? India RowsI am a …

How to Knot Pearls or Restring Pearls

Do you know how to knot pearls or restring pearls? Since we launched our service to Re-String and Re-Knot Cultured pearls, we have been amazed at the beautiful pearls you Pearl Girls mail to us! *Thank you* You have some beautiful pearls and even more beautiful stories surrounding your precious gems but many of you …

Natural Pearl Prices are Booming

Natural pearl prices are booming according to Professional Jeweller’s 2013 report. Christie’s head of jewellery in London Keith Penton explains: “We have seen a steady rise in the price of natural pearls over 10 years and a more marked shift upwards in the last three.” Natural pearls are exceeding the pre-auction price estimates. The head of Bonhams …