A Note on Pricing

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Treasure ChestIt is the eve of the launch of this brand new website and I am nervous… the site looks great, the kinks are (almost) all worked out and I am thrilled to have a site I can more actively update with all of the info about our business, our travels, etc.


However, you will notice an increase in pricing.
We have faced two very unique struggles. The first is that the price of pearls have gone up. Considerably! In fact, my costs have doubled since I started working with pearls seven years ago. The second is that since we are now producing all of our jewelry in the U.S., our labor costs have gone up as well. I found myself negotiating with Abby, who is in charge of production, on lower her labor costs so we did not have to raise our prices. Then I thought, now I am being very silly! I believe in providing jobs for women here in the U.S. and here I am attempting to underpay the women who work for us. Thankfully, I came to my senses!
We offer gorgeous pearls. As you know, I personally fly to the Orient to select our pearls and pearl supplier so I can PERSONALLY guarantee our pearls. We also have a caring group of women who work with us who knot your pieces with skill and care. And to back all of that up, we offer you a guarantee on your purchases. We believe in what we do. We also believe in what we offer. So, although we had to increase our prices, we know these pearls are worth the money and so much more. Especially when we are confident you will receive a multiple of lifetimes of enjoyment for these gems.
Again, I understand if our prices are too high, and I am sorry if we lose a single one of you, our loyal Pearl Girls. You have stayed loyal to us for years and I do not take that lightly. I just wanted you to know the story behind these rising costs. I, as always, really appreciate your support and feedback.

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