This post is from my weekly newsletter. I usually do not share my newsletter on my blog (It’s a bit personal) but I wanted to share this with you and I contemplate the growth of The Pearl Girls. And, of course if you have not subscribed to my newsletter and want to, click here. My Deepest Fear…

Marianne Williamson said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'”
This is the quote I am thinking about tonight, on the eve of putting in an offer on a new office. Who am I to create this dream? This dream of world travel, fabulous adventures, gorgeous jewelry, and women truly having it all. This dream of women coming together and creating jewelry and taking off when they need to and not choosing between a career and children but choosing both. Choosing to have what we want.. a job, a community of women to engage in meaningful work and time to go volunteer at our children’s school or take a moment to ourselves during our hectic days. This is what I want and it scares the heck out of me. If I buy this office, I will finally have space for on-site childcare. I will have space for hiring more women, for more classes and space for a showroom for our jewelry. More expenses.. It is a risk and a giant leap of faith yet I know that things will change and we will grow…
On the eve of this possibly huge moment in the life of The Pearl Girls, I am thinking of each of you, my dear supporters, customers, family and friends. Thank you, thank you. I hope Marianne is right when she says, “we are all meant to shine!” I hope I will see my dreams come shining through.
Full of hope and fear,
Midnight, December 10, 2014
I am a modern day treasure hunter who travels the world for gorgeous pearls and amazing adventures. I own a pearl jewelry and jewelry repair business,, with a cute retail store in Athens, GA. I also have a Pearl Travel business and travel blog at