That is what this is about… having passion for a cause greater than ourselves. A commitment to stand and fight. And hope that we can reach our goals and make a difference. Today I am so incredibly proud to be a part of an amazing fundraiser, a fight, and a challenge. Pearl Girls, I hope you will join us as we Stand Against Cancer! I am talking about our Hope Pearl Necklace. Here is our story of hope…
Everyone has a passion and at The Pearl Girls our passion is connecting with women who make the world a more wonderful place.
Last year I had the benefit of allying with some amazing women in Nashville,
TN as they raised money for the LLS and Nashville’s Man and Woman of the Year campaign. With the help of Pearl Girls nationwide, we raised $500 through our jewelry sales that we contributed to their campaign. We stayed in touch and this year we are trying to push our contribution even higher. We have created a simple, stunning Hope Pearl Necklace with our gorgeous cultured pearls that we hand selected from Zhejiang Province. These necklaces are custom made by us (in Georgia, U.S.A.) and 100% of the retail mark up is being contributed to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
The amazing woman and crusader we are working with is Terri Staroska She is so passionate about raising awareness and funds for research in blood cancer. Why? Because blood cancers strike without warning and the victims are mainly babies, children, and young adults. It is so sad… unpredictable and there is no known prevention. Terri knows that with increased research, scientists and doctors can find medications to treat this disease and to put an end to it.
Terri is no stranger to the devastating impact of cancer on a family. Her aunt is a breast cancer survivor, her father is a colon cancer survivor, and she recently lost a dear friend to T-Cell lymphoma. Last year when a friend asked her to be the Campaign Manager for a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society she knew THIS was what she was supposed to be doing. This passion was reconfirmed once she started learning more about blood cancers and meeting the children who are struggling to survive this disease. She has remained committed to this fight. This year she is a candidate for Woman of the Year in Nashville, TN. This is a 10 week fundraising campaign for the LLS. If you would like to learn more about the Man and Woman of The Year Campaign, watch here..
For Terri, it is not about a title or accolades. She feels so confident that with funding for research, she will see a cure in her lifetime. She challenges everyone around her to donate, because without money, there is no cure. She asks for your support “For every fight won, for every battle lost, for those still fighting.”
So, how can you help? You can purchase the Hope Pearl Necklace. This way you are not only giving but you are showing others your support, and encouraging them to join you too. You can also donate directly to Terri through her website StandAgainstCancer.com. Thanks for passing this on to anyone else who you believe might want to take the stand with us.
Here is to a great 10 weeks,
April 4, 2013
I am a modern day treasure hunter who travels the world for gorgeous pearls and amazing adventures. I own a pearl jewelry and jewelry repair business, ThePearlGirls.com, with a cute retail store in Athens, GA. I also have a Pearl Travel business and travel blog at TheWorldofPearl.com.
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